Sunday 28 August 2011

Getting back into the swing of things! really has been a while hasn't it?

I don't know why i suddenly stopped blogging I used to love it so much! I think its time i took it back up again as I've really missed writing to you all. There will however be a few changes that i hope you don't mind. I'll put a poll up for you all to vote on new topics that you'd like to see more of. So here they are...

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Getting organised
  • Recipes and cooking
  • Home living (and general lifestyle)
  • Beauty tips, tutorials and reviews
  • General life ramblings and rants!
I hope you all like what i have coming up! First will probably be how to clean and organise your bedroom!

Take care guys!
~ Tara xx

Friday 15 July 2011

Here comes the weekend!

This song puts me in the mood for the weekend so badly! What are you guys up to?

Monday 4 July 2011

Blog Award!

A HUGE thank you goes out to Ashley for awarding me the Best Blog award! I was so surprised (and at the same time annoyed cos for some reason blogger wont let me leave any comments on here so i couldn't say thank you!) and I'm really honoured that she thinks my blog is so great! So please every one go check out Ashley's blog its one of the best Ive ever some across!

Award Rules:

1) Link back to the person that awarded this to you.

2) Share 7 random things about yourself:
- I'm pretty girly but don't mind getting down and dirty, sometimes its just got to be done!
- None of my friends and family know I'm a beauty blogger
- I'm terrible when it comes to saving money
- I hoard magazines like you would not believe!
- I think I'm actually quite a good cook
- I always have to have my toe nails and fingernails painted the same colour, even if i have socks on!
- I have 2 step brothers and 1 step sister

3) Award to other blogs!
1000 Word Journey - You guys seriously have to check this out!

A Lazy Girls Guide To Beauty - Definitely my kinda blog!

busyxbees - Hers is just plan lovely!

4) Answer the following questions:
Favorite Color: Dusky pink and purple!
Favorite Song: I couldn't possibly choose! But right now the one i have stuck in my head is: Bright Lights, Bigger City by Cee Lo Green
Your favorite dessert: Chocolate fudge cake with ICE cream! And hot chocolate sauce!
What is pissing you off: That i don't have a job!
When you 're upset, you: Cry and let it all out! Then think of a way of solving the problem! Its good to let it all out! 
Your favorite pet: I refuse to choose, My cat Crunchie is 20 (in human years) and shes been with me all my life. I also have a Yorkshire Terrier called lucky who is my little baby!
Black or White: Black
Biggest fear: Death (as morbid as it sounds I'm scared of dying when there are still so many things i want to do in life!)
Best feature: My chest lol, i don't like to boast but i have quite a good bust size and shape
Everyday attitude: Optimistic, anything could happen!
What is perfection: an hour workout followed by a hot shower and then shopping!
Guilty pleasure: Old time movies :P

Again a big thank you for the award and please remember to go check out the other bloggers websites i listed! Much love you guys!

P.s. For some reason i cant comment on anything related to blogger, it just does not let me! So please remember to leave an e-mail adress on any coments that you want me to reply to!

Sunday 3 July 2011

Just a random one...

OK so it is 1:30 am and i am wide awake. No idea why. Anyways i thought id do some random little post, just going to type whatever pops into my head

Cath Kidson - Been looking at load of her stuff lately, looks really cute. I think when i move out my kitchen may just have to be Cath Kidson style. I'm quite into cooking and baking and that's what comes to mind when i think of her designs.

Apprenticeships - Ive been out of work since January now and its really getting me down, but i was told about an apprenticeship open day on Tuesday in my town so I'm off to see what its all about!

Sports day - Its my little sisters sports day on Thursday morning and i cant wait to see her do her running! She's been showing me hows she runs really fast by running out of the kitchen to the front door and back! Even tho i cant see what she doing, she runs back into the kitchen shouting 'YEEEEEEAAHH!!!'

Tomorrow (well today i suppose) - I really don't know what to do, washing and ironing maybe

True Blood season 4 episode 3 - out in America in a couple of hours time (or could be playing right now) do i sit up and wait for it, or try and get some sleep? (i watch it online because i just cant wait!)

OK well that's all folks, OH i dyed my hair like a chocolaty brown colour. what do you think?

Friday 24 June 2011

DIY Nails!

I thought i'd have a go at being a nail technician for the day, this is how my nails turned out!

They're false nails (french mani) and i put the nail art on myself, it was so EASY! Must have taken me 30 mins at the most and thats only because i was really taking my time, drinking a cup of tea and watching tv at the same time. If you want a tutorial then let me know,

Thursday 16 June 2011

Summer Fashion Trend: Festival!

Before i start...

I know as well as any other curvy girl out there, clothing can be hard to find when things are made for smaller women. It always used to be a struggle for me to even think about shopping let alone do it! I'd get so stressed out because things would either not fit me or look horrific! Luckily i found the will to not give up. The best piece of advice a friend of my ever gave me was to go through all of my magazines (and being the magazine hoarder that i am i had a fair few to get through) and pick out every single thing i liked the look of, then cut it out and stick it into a big A4 sized note book. This was i had all my ideas together and I'd look at them every time i found something new, so the style i was aiming for stuck in my head!

You have to remember to emphasize your best bits! For example i have quite a good bust, but not so good arms. So in the summer i wear fitted vests with scoop necks to emphasize my bust, but put a light cardigan on top take the focus away from my arms. Its as simple as that!

Anyways back onto the subject!

One of the many key trends this summer the the Festival trend! Its indie, hippy and summery all thrown into one and there are so many fab things to mix and match. I've picked out a festival inspired outfit to give you guys a little example of what its all about! Enjoy!

Satchel bags are the perfect bag for this summer! Big enough to fit your sunnies, a bottle of water and your purse, and if your lucky enough a cardigan should fit too! On top of all that it fits comfortably across you body so you don't really have to carry a thing!
Satchel bag: £24.99 River Island

Another stylish yet practical accessory that is essential to this trend. A simple trilby hat with ribbon detailing looks stylish and really puts the look together, plus it keeps your head cool and protects your roots from the UVA rays! 
Trilby hat: £12.00 By Jasper Conran at Debenhams

This turquoise feather necklace is another band on trend essential accessory for the festival trend, especially if it include suede ribbon and beads!
Necklace: £7.99 River Island

These pumps are new to this season, they are so comfortable and stylish all in one! Who said shoes were for fashion and not for comfort! These are both!
Shoes: £6.99 H&M

These shorts are a light denim and have the 'worn away' look at the bottom to give them a boho chic feel! Wear shorts for this look daisy duke style, knee length or in between! Its not the length its definitely the style in this case!
Shorts: £17.99 H&M

And finally this top, it has a real native American feel to it! The turquoise colour is going to be seen a lot this summer! The Hanky style hem is very flattering for those of us who have a little more tummy than we would like.
Top: £16.99 River Island

This is just one example of the festival style for summer 2011. But you can mix it up any way you like, by adding a sparkly head band, a pair of sandals and glaming up you make-up with a deep smokey brown eye you can easily take it to a night time look! Just remember to have fun with it! Hope this has helped you guys!

Much love xx

Sunday 12 June 2011

My Self Improvement Plan!: Lets do it together!

I'm sure everyone has things they dont particularly like about themselfs and want to change. From loosing weight to giving up smoking, these things can be hard to do but with the support of others it makes it so much easier.


Ive been feeling quite depressed lately, i dont know if its down to being ill, but its made me realise there are parts of my life that i really do want to change, mostly for health and self confidence reasons. I know i can do this! The things i want to change i have to admit, are mostly my apearance so here comes the list!

  • Loosing weight - Im going to be completely honest with you guys, i currently weigh roughly 16 and a half stone. I am not sure how much weight exactly i would like to loose, but i would like to fit comefortoubly into a size 12 pair of jeans (im currently in an 18-20). For those of you who dont know i am starting up a youtube channel not just for myself but to help others in the same situation as i am. After being taken into hospital a couple of days ago, the DR said one of the main things that will help my condition is weightloss. This will also be made easier with my next aim.

  • Quit Smoking - Yes i am one of those silly people who started smoking when i was just 14. I dont know why, i just did, but now im sick of it and do it purely out of habbit. It costs me a lot of money and thinking of the other things i could spend this money on make me want to quit even more.

Those are my two main goals for now. Of course i have other mini goals - getting a spray tan and highlights for example - that i will give myself as a treat for acomplishing certain things. Using the money i would have spent of ciggeretts. So there we go! A new me begins! Tell me if you're doing you're own little self improvement plan and what it is you'd like to change about yourself!

Much love xx